Blended Confessionals Volume 2: Language Barriers

Today’s topic is on dealing with our ability to speak, read and write different languages – where they overlap, and more importantly, where they don’t. This is a difference that I have realized more recently on our travels, and it’s a blog post I’m writing without Damian’s input or review…

Blended Confessionals Volume 1: Aligning (and negotiating) our energy and moods during a trip

One of the reasons we decided to start this blog was to be a bit more self-reflective on how we travel together and what we can do to make traveling together even more enjoyable and fruitful for each other. Additionally, when I was researching for this trip I read a ton of other travel blogs and some of the…

Who are we? Time to meet us as a couple!

Ours is a story that had been waiting tobe written for many many years. We both entered MIT in 1999, but never met in college or for many years after. By chance, in October 2013 (14 years later!!)  a common friend invited a few college alums out for drinks. We met this night and, quite honestly, barely talked and thought…

Who are We? Time to meet Damian!

Now, about my lovely husband, Damian. Damian was born in Sao Paulo Brasil; although his parents are from the Midwest in the US they met in the Peace Corps in Brasil, traveled around the world, got married, had a few kids and decided to return to Brasil to raise their family there. Damian and his family moved to Minnesota when…

Who are We? Time to meet Jyoti!

Let’s start by introducing ourselves – I’ll start with me (the wifey). I’m Jyoti. I am a first generation Indian-American, born and raised outside of Princeton, NJ. I’ve been a geek since I can remember – I love to read, learn about science and do puzzles of any kind (jigsaw, crossword, etc. etc.). My nerdiness…